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This animation was a part of a project for my diploma.


The goal was to create a presentation of what is feminism as well as to publicize the association.


I wanted to take a playful tone to be able to popularize feminism and make the concept accessible to everyone.


The aim of the project was to produce a video with a visual impact without sound, on the theme of hindrance and/or release.

It was screened as part of a scenography behind dancers, to rhythmic music.


The approach was to represent the obstacle as a creature or an animal that lives next to us on a daily basis.

In order to facilitate the identification of the viewer, the choice was made to not specify which obstacle we would stage in our video.


Hindrance is a stop motion video talking about violence against women, more specifically domestic violence.
I wanted to show what was going on behind the scenes for the victims and what might be going on in their minds.


An animation essay on the theme of the city at night.

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